44602 universal #5R, 0.038 in W x 0.016 in THK, 12.5/9 reversible TPI, reverse tooth blades for a smooth, splinter-free finish on top and bottom surfaces. Eliminates tear-out on birch and maple plywood. For fret sawing hard wood to 1/2 in and soft wood to 3/4 in. 44800 Universal #7 0.045 in W x 0.017 in THK, 11.5 TPI, skip tooth blades cut fast, provide good chip clearance and smooth finish. Popular for cutting hard and soft woods 3/16 in up to 2 in. Also cuts plastic, paper, felt, bone. 46300 Universal #2 0.035 in kerf, 41 TPI, plain end spiral tooth blades saw in all directions with 360 deg cutting capability. Excellent for 0 deg radius scroll/fret work. You never have to turn the workpiece. Medium speed and medium rough finish cutting of hard and soft wood, plaster and wallboard.